Dillon Business And Professional Women’s Club Honors Betsy Finklea

The Dillon Business And Professional Women’s Club honored Betsy Finklea for 32 years of journalistic integrity with an event that was held at the City of Dillon Wellness Center on Monday, April 15, from 3:00 p.m. until 5:00 p.m.
Many dignitaries and well-wishers were present for the festive event. The room was beautifully decorated and showed the appreciation and love that everyone had for Finklea.
Finklea reluctantly accepted the offer for the event after Mrs. Douglas (Cynthia) Pernell convinced her that she was deserving of this honor.
Mrs. Pernell, President of the Dillon Business And Professional Women’s Club, opened the event with many kind accolades for Finklea. Mrs. Pernell said, “Betsy has been noted for being a silent worker who loves to be behind the scenes.”
“Words matter, and we appreciate how you (Betsy) use your words.” Mrs. Pernell referred to a song that African-American churches sing “May The Work I’ve Done Speak For Me,” which she said fits Betsy to a “T.” “We honor your work and you,” Mrs. Pernell said. “We want you to know that.”
Representative “Coach” Jackie Hayes was the next to speak and echoed Mrs. Pernell’s sentiments and added more such as “Betsy, you and I are alike. We like to help people.” Betsy has always been fair in the newspaper business. “Betsy’s character is beyond reproach,” Hayes said. Each news agency reports differently. Betsy has always been fair.
Representative Hayes had a Resolution passed that honored Finklea for her service.
Senator Kent Williams expressed his appreciation for Finklea beginning with his time as Clemson Extension Service Agent. While serving as Dillon County’s Agent, Finklea always printed factual information. When one interviews with someone, one’s remarks could sometimes be distorted. That was not the case with Betsy.
Senator Williams remarked, “Betsy does not seek acknowledgement for her work. We appreciate your more than 32 years as a servant. We want to continue a good relationship. Betsy, thank you for your service. We are all proud of you.”
The Senate prepared a Certificate of Appreciation on April 15, on a motion by Senator Kent Williams that congratulates Betsy Finklea on her integrity for the past 32 years of service to Dillon County.
City of Dillon Mayor Tally McColl congratulated Miss Finklea on 32 years of journalistic integrity. “Betsy, you are the standard for all of us. People rely on you to present the facts of what’s going on in the community.” Mayor McColl stated that sometimes he needs help to make himself look and sound better. Betsy helps put not only his words together, but also helps many others. He said usually one goes to someone who one respects, and he respects Betsy.
McColl remarked that politics in this community is sometimes messy. Betsy has helped change this. It’s always to get her help on most issues. Betsy is involved in this community in many ways. McColl stated, “Betsy, thank you for you’ve done and will continue to do.”
David Longacre echoed most of the remarks already made by others but also added that he appreciated her friendship and what she has and will do.
Bishop Michael Goings has gone through several editors at The Dillon Herald. When Betsy took over, he would call with his article topics and asked her “Is this okay?”
Bishop Goings used an acronym while speaking of Betsy. “Miss Finklea is a bold person.” She has worn many hats. She has always been very professional. Miss Finklea has always been aware of the demographics in Dillon County. “Betsy is an empathetic person which has already been said.
“Betsy is a sincere person.” She communicates with the county very well. “Betsy is youthful, energetic, and will excel in whatever she does.”
Bishop Goings praised Betsy for allowing him to write an 8-part serial story in The Dillon Herald that lasted 8 weeks and has been looked at by a movie company. “Thanks to you, this has happened!”
“Betsy, you are in your second stage. The best is yet to come. God bless you, Betsy.”
Cynthia Pernell exclaimed “Betsy, it’s important that you know how much you mean to all of us. You are really loved by all of us!”
Dillon County Councilman Jamal Campbell remarked, “Congratulations, Betsy, we really appreciate you.”
Dillon County Councilman T. F. “Buzzy” Finklea, thanked Mrs. Cynthia Pernell and the Dillon Business And Professional Club for this wonderful event. “The decorations are beautiful, the food is great, and the friendships are great! Betsy has so many friends, and lots of them call her at all hours! She is always thinking about the news and people call her and talk to her even at 11:00 and 12:00 at night.”
Dillon County Sheriff Jamie Hamilton stated “Betsy, thank you from the bottom of my heart.” Law enforcement usually has a love/hate relationship with the media. With Betsy, it’s love. Betsy wants to share good news. Of course, there are times that bad news makes the headlines. Betsy and Douglas Pernell were great friends. When Douglas was elected Sheriff, she was ecstatic and a solid second as most excited behind Cynthia. She said the doors were open at the Sheriff’s Office again.
Sheriff Hamilton referred to times at the Sheriff’s Office when he would pass Douglas’ office, Betsy was in one chair, and Douglas was in another chair, and they were laughing and talking.
Hamilton also stated that when Douglas passed away, Betsy was up all night writing his article. Douglas, more than once, shared with Jamie how important Betsy was to him. “Betsy is a strong advocate for the people of Dillon County. “Betsy, thank you…and ladies, thank you!” Jamie’s wife, Anna Michelle, presented Betsy with a lovely floral bouquet.
Cynthia Pernell said that she did not read the article until September 23, the day of Douglas and Cynthia’s anniversary. The story was also used as Douglas’s obituary.
Mrs. Pernell presented Finklea with a beautiful glass plaque from the Business and Professional Women and a shadow box from the Pernell family which contained one of Douglas Pernell’s shirts. Unbeknownst to Mrs. Pernell, the last time Finklea saw Pernell he was wearing this same shirt. Mrs. Pernell also presented Finklea a lovely floral arrangement.
Monty Bell, a candidate for Solicitor, also made some complimentary remarks about Finklea.
Mrs. Claretha Whitfield thanked Betsy for the many articles.
Herb Jacobs who helped with the 2020 Dillon County census enlisted Betsy’s help with many articles to bring awareness to the importance of the census. This made a difference in the census.
Dillon County Chamber of Commerce Johnnie Luehrs stated that Betsy Finklea always helped the Chamber.
Stephen Laird who served as Superintendent in the Lake View Schools thanked Betsy Finklea for all of the news on behalf of all of Dillon County’s Superintendents.
Lee Finklea spoke in appreciation for all the positive comments made on behalf of Betsy. Finklea said, “A good, local newspaper holds a community together. Dillon is blessed to have two newspapers.”
Johnnie Daniels said he had been with Betsy since day one. He said she was a good worker then and a good worker now. He said everybody loves Betsy.
Daniels said Betsy started as an intern at The Dillon Herald when she was at Francis Marion University seeking her college degree. “I was there when she began, and she continued there for over 32 years while serving Dillon County and the surrounding area. She proved herself as a good worker and continued to strive to do her best. She was eager to learn and soon mastered the programs on the computer as well as grooming her writing skills. She was proficient in seeking the good in a story as well as having to report on the bad news. She always sought the good in everything. She quickly mastered what was expected of her. In 2007, The Dillon Herald went online. Betsy devoted her skills to the Facebook page where she quickly had a large number of followers. She not only sought news but she also learned how to set ads on the computer. She had a great following and was loved by many in the community. She did not distinguish between the races…everyone was equal.
Alanda Kimble and Angela Boatwright did the beautiful decorations. The caterers were Rev. Jabriel Morrison and Mary Jacobs. Sherry McLain made the cake.
Mrs. Cynthia Pernell thanked everyone for coming. She thanked the Dillon Business And Professional Women’s Club for this wonderful event.
Finklea and Daniels are now working at The Dillon County News, LLC, where Finklea is the editor and Daniels is the general manager. You can follow their work at www.dillonnews.org or on Facebook at Dillon County News & Beyond.

Photos by Johnnie Daniels/The Dillon Herald
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