Pee Dee Coalition Recognizes Child Abuse Prevention And Sexual Assault Awareness Months

FLORENCE-April 1, 2024-Every April, Pee Dee Coalition recognizes both Child Abuse Prevention and Sexual Assault Awareness Month to encourage families and surrounding communities to work together toward the prevention of these issues.

Through the efforts of the Coalition, the organization has organized month-long in-person and virtual events by hosting or uniting with local community partners to present awareness tips with the mission of developing a safer and more compassionate place to live for all residents of the Pee Dee Region. From 2020-2024, the Coalition has assisted 4, 291 children at the Durant Children’s Center and 2, 095 victims of sexual assault and/or domestic violence which has helped women and children heal because of the support of the community.

This year, the Coalition’s Child Abuse Prevention them, “It’s Up to Us” and Sexual Assault them, “Stand Up, Don’t Stand By,” promote the positive outcome of speaking out and supporting the need to reduce these incidents from happening in the future. Pee Dee Coalition’s Satellite Centers across the region have organized an activities calendar for the entire month of April that are free and open to the public. To view your satellite center, please view this paper or visit our website

Michelle Brewington-Smith, Marion County Coordinator writes:

“The Coalition believes that as long as there is one voice crying in the darkness, one hand reaching through the crowd, one child seeking safety, one home with no peace, there will be a Coalition and a place for victims and their families to begin anew.”

Pee Dee Coalition is a non-profit volunteer organization dedicated to the reduction of sexual assault, family violence, and child abuse and the needs of its victims. Pee Dee Coalition is supported by United Way.